

今年受武漢肺炎(新型冠狀病毒病,COVID-19)疫情影響,紐約巿長白思豪(Bill de Blasio)宣布將防疫限制令延至12月31日,緊縮巿內的遊行和集會活動,要求時報廣場聯會,想出安全有創意的方法,延續時報廣場的跨年慶祝傳統。



時報廣場聯會(Times Square Alliance)隨後發表聲明宣布,今年倒數以及水晶球降落儀式,將移師到虛擬世界進行,活動細節有待公佈,這將是114年以來,時報廣場慶祝新年,首次沒有萬人空巷的場景。

時代廣場聯盟主席提姆·湯普金斯(Tim Tompkins)表示,倒數儀式雖然無法如期在廣場舉辦,但「時代廣場將進行一些網路互動型的活動,為電腦與手機前的觀眾服務。」
“One thing that will never change is the ticking of time and the arrival of a New Year at midnight on December 31st,”. “But this year there will be significantly new and enhanced virtual, visual and digital offerings to complement whatever limited live entertainment or experiences – still in development -- will take place in Times Square.And because any opportunity to be live in Times Square will be pre-determined and extremely limited due to COVID-19 restrictions, there will be the opportunity to participate virtually wherever you are. Because more than ever in these divided and fear-filled times, the world desperately needs to come together symbolically and virtually to celebrate the people and things we love and to look forward with a sense of renewal and new beginnings.”

國際中心/劉泳暐 編譯 責任編輯/胡立夫

時報廣場聯會聲明中附註跨年虛擬影片。圖:畫面取自時報廣場聯會(Times Square Alliance)